Der erste Brief des Paulus an die Korinther

Kapitel 6

1 Wie darf5111 jemand5100 unter1909 euch5216, so er einen Handel4229 hat2192 mit1909 einem andern2087, hadern2919 vor4314 den Ungerechten94 und2532 nicht3780 vor den Heiligen40?

2 Wisset1492 ihr1492 nicht3756, daß3754 die Heiligen40 die Welt2889 richten2919 werden? So2532 denn1487 nun die Welt2889 soll von euch5213 gerichtet werden, seid ihr2075 denn nicht gut genug370, geringere Sachen2922 zu1722 richten2919?

3 Wisset1492 ihr nicht3756, daß3754 wir über die Engel32 richten2919 werden? wieviel mehr über die zeitlichen Güter982!

4 Ihr aber, wenn1437 ihr über zeitlichen Gütern982 Sachen2922 habt2192, so3767 nehmet ihr die, so bei der Gemeinde1577 verachtet sind1848, und setzet2523 sie5128 zu1722 Richtern.

5 Euch5213 zur Schande muß ich das3739 sagen3004. Ist2076 so3779 gar kein3761 Weiser4680 unter1722 euch5213 oder doch nicht3756 einer, der1520 da könnte1410 richten1252 zwischen Bruder80 und Bruder?

6 Sondern235 ein Bruder80 mit3326 dem andern hadert2919, dazu2532 vor1909 den Ungläubigen571.

7 Es ist2076 schon2235 ein Fehl2275 unter1722 euch5213, daß3754 ihr miteinander3326 rechtet2192. Warum1302 lasset ihr euch1438 nicht3780 viel3123 lieber unrecht91 tun? Warum1302 lasset ihr euch nicht3780 viel3123 lieber übervorteilen?

8 Sondern235 ihr5210 tut unrecht91 und2532 übervorteilet, und2532 solches5023 an den Brüdern80.

9 Wisset ihr nicht3756, daß3754 die Ungerechten94 werden2816 das1492 Reich932 Gottes2316 nicht3756 ererben2816? Lasset4105 euch nicht3361 verführen4105: weder3777 die Hurer4205 noch2228 die Abgöttischen1496 noch3777 die Ehebrecher3432 noch3777 die Weichlinge3120 noch3777 die Knabenschänder733

10 noch3777 die Diebe2812 noch3777 die Geizigen4123 noch3777 die Trunkenbolde3183 noch3756 die Lästerer3060 noch3756 die Räuber727 werden das932 Reich Gottes2316 ererben2816.

11 Und2532 solche5023 sind2258 euer etliche5100 gewesen2532; aber235 ihr235 seid abgewaschen628, ihr seid geheiliget, ihr seid gerecht1344 worden durch1722 den Namen3686 des HErrn2962 JEsu2424 und235 durch1722 den Geist4151 unsers2257 Gottes2316.

12 Ich3427 hab‘ es alles3956 Macht1832; es frommet aber235 nicht3756 alles3956. Ich hab‘ es alles3956 Macht1832; es soll1850 mich3427 aber235 nichts3756 gefangennehmen.

13 Die5023 Speise1033 dem Bauche und2532 der2532 Bauch2836 der Speise1033; aber1161 GOtt2316 wird2673 diesen5026 und2532 jene hinrichten. Der Leib4983 aber1161 nicht3756 der Hurerei4202, sondern235 dem HErrn2962 und2532 der HErr2962 dem Leibe2836.

14 GOtt2316 aber1161 hat1453 den HErrn2962 auferwecket und2532 wird1825 uns2248 auch2532 auferwecken durch1223 seine Kraft1411.

15 Wisset ihr nicht3756, daß3754 eure5216 Leiber4983 Christi5547 Glieder3196 sind1096? Sollte142 ich nun3767 die Glieder3196 Christi5547 nehmen142 und Hurenglieder daraus machen4160? Das1492 sei2076 ferne!

16 Oder2228 wisset1492 ihr nicht3756, daß3754, wer an der1520 Hure4204 hanget2853, der ist2076 ein3391 Leib4983 mit ihr? Denn1063 sie werden (spricht5346 er) zwei1417 in einem Fleische4561 sein2071.

17 Wer aber1161 dem HErrn2962 anhanget, der1520 ist2076 ein Geist4151 mit ihm.

18 Fliehet5343 die Hurerei4202! Alle3956 Sünden265, die der Mensch444 tut4160, sind2076 außer1622 seinem2398 Leibe4983; wer1437 aber1161 huret, der sündiget264 an1519 seinem eigenen Leibe4983.

19 Oder2228 wisset1492 ihr2075 nicht3756, daß3754 euer Leib4983 ein Tempel3485 des Heiligen40 Geistes4151 ist2076, der3739 in1722 euch5216 ist2192, welchen ihr habt5213 von575 GOtt2316, und2532 seid nicht3756 euer selbst1438?

20 Denn1063 ihr seid59 teuer5092 erkauft. Darum1211 so preiset GOtt2316 an1722 eurem5216 Leibe4983 und2532 in1722 eurem5216 Geiste4151, welche3748 sind2076 Gottes2316.

1 Corinthians

Chapter 6

1 WOULD any of you, having a lawsuit against his brother, dare to go to trial before the wicked rather than before the saints?

2 Do you not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world is to be judged by you, are you not worthy to judge small affairs?

3 Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more then should we judge those who belong to this world?

4 You have worldly affairs to be settled, and yet you have put men of bad reputation in the church on the judgment seat.

5 I say this to you to make you feel ashamed. Is it so, that there is not a single wise man among you, who could settle a dispute between a brother and his brother?

6 But brother goes to court against brother, and at that before unbelievers.

7 Now therefore you are already at fault because you go to court one with another. Why not rather suffer wrong? Why not rather let yourselves be defrauded?

8 No, you yourselves do wrong, and defraud even your brethren.

9 Do you not know that the wicked shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not misled: neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the corrupt, nor men who lie down with males,

10 Nor extortioners, nor thieves, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor grafters, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

11 And some of these evils were to be found in some of you, but you have been cleansed, and have been sanctified, and made righteous in the name of our LORD Jesus Christ, and through the Spirit of our God.

12 All things are lawful for me, but all things are not advisable for me: indeed all things are lawful for me but I will not be brought under the power of any.

13 Food is for the belly, and the belly for food: but God will do away with both of them. Now the body is not meant for fornication, but for our LORD; and our LORD for the body.

14 And as God has raised our LORD, so he will raise us also by his own power.

15 Do you not know that your bodies are the members of Christ? How then can one take a member of Christ and make it the member of a harlot? Far be it.

16 Or do you not know that he who joins his body to a harlot is one body with her? For it is said, The two shall become one body.

17 But he who unites himself with our LORD becomes one with him in spirit.

18 Keep away from fornication. Every sin that a man commits, is outside his body; but he who commits adultery sins against his own body.

19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit that dwells within you, which you have of God, and you are not your own?

20 For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, because they belong to God.

Der erste Brief des Paulus an die Korinther

Kapitel 6

1 Corinthians

Chapter 6

1 Wie darf5111 jemand5100 unter1909 euch5216, so er einen Handel4229 hat2192 mit1909 einem andern2087, hadern2919 vor4314 den Ungerechten94 und2532 nicht3780 vor den Heiligen40?

1 WOULD any of you, having a lawsuit against his brother, dare to go to trial before the wicked rather than before the saints?

2 Wisset1492 ihr1492 nicht3756, daß3754 die Heiligen40 die Welt2889 richten2919 werden? So2532 denn1487 nun die Welt2889 soll von euch5213 gerichtet werden, seid ihr2075 denn nicht gut genug370, geringere Sachen2922 zu1722 richten2919?

2 Do you not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world is to be judged by you, are you not worthy to judge small affairs?

3 Wisset1492 ihr nicht3756, daß3754 wir über die Engel32 richten2919 werden? wieviel mehr über die zeitlichen Güter982!

3 Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more then should we judge those who belong to this world?

4 Ihr aber, wenn1437 ihr über zeitlichen Gütern982 Sachen2922 habt2192, so3767 nehmet ihr die, so bei der Gemeinde1577 verachtet sind1848, und setzet2523 sie5128 zu1722 Richtern.

4 You have worldly affairs to be settled, and yet you have put men of bad reputation in the church on the judgment seat.

5 Euch5213 zur Schande muß ich das3739 sagen3004. Ist2076 so3779 gar kein3761 Weiser4680 unter1722 euch5213 oder doch nicht3756 einer, der1520 da könnte1410 richten1252 zwischen Bruder80 und Bruder?

5 I say this to you to make you feel ashamed. Is it so, that there is not a single wise man among you, who could settle a dispute between a brother and his brother?

6 Sondern235 ein Bruder80 mit3326 dem andern hadert2919, dazu2532 vor1909 den Ungläubigen571.

6 But brother goes to court against brother, and at that before unbelievers.

7 Es ist2076 schon2235 ein Fehl2275 unter1722 euch5213, daß3754 ihr miteinander3326 rechtet2192. Warum1302 lasset ihr euch1438 nicht3780 viel3123 lieber unrecht91 tun? Warum1302 lasset ihr euch nicht3780 viel3123 lieber übervorteilen?

7 Now therefore you are already at fault because you go to court one with another. Why not rather suffer wrong? Why not rather let yourselves be defrauded?

8 Sondern235 ihr5210 tut unrecht91 und2532 übervorteilet, und2532 solches5023 an den Brüdern80.

8 No, you yourselves do wrong, and defraud even your brethren.

9 Wisset ihr nicht3756, daß3754 die Ungerechten94 werden2816 das1492 Reich932 Gottes2316 nicht3756 ererben2816? Lasset4105 euch nicht3361 verführen4105: weder3777 die Hurer4205 noch2228 die Abgöttischen1496 noch3777 die Ehebrecher3432 noch3777 die Weichlinge3120 noch3777 die Knabenschänder733

9 Do you not know that the wicked shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not misled: neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the corrupt, nor men who lie down with males,

10 noch3777 die Diebe2812 noch3777 die Geizigen4123 noch3777 die Trunkenbolde3183 noch3756 die Lästerer3060 noch3756 die Räuber727 werden das932 Reich Gottes2316 ererben2816.

10 Nor extortioners, nor thieves, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor grafters, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

11 Und2532 solche5023 sind2258 euer etliche5100 gewesen2532; aber235 ihr235 seid abgewaschen628, ihr seid geheiliget, ihr seid gerecht1344 worden durch1722 den Namen3686 des HErrn2962 JEsu2424 und235 durch1722 den Geist4151 unsers2257 Gottes2316.

11 And some of these evils were to be found in some of you, but you have been cleansed, and have been sanctified, and made righteous in the name of our LORD Jesus Christ, and through the Spirit of our God.

12 Ich3427 hab‘ es alles3956 Macht1832; es frommet aber235 nicht3756 alles3956. Ich hab‘ es alles3956 Macht1832; es soll1850 mich3427 aber235 nichts3756 gefangennehmen.

12 All things are lawful for me, but all things are not advisable for me: indeed all things are lawful for me but I will not be brought under the power of any.

13 Die5023 Speise1033 dem Bauche und2532 der2532 Bauch2836 der Speise1033; aber1161 GOtt2316 wird2673 diesen5026 und2532 jene hinrichten. Der Leib4983 aber1161 nicht3756 der Hurerei4202, sondern235 dem HErrn2962 und2532 der HErr2962 dem Leibe2836.

13 Food is for the belly, and the belly for food: but God will do away with both of them. Now the body is not meant for fornication, but for our LORD; and our LORD for the body.

14 GOtt2316 aber1161 hat1453 den HErrn2962 auferwecket und2532 wird1825 uns2248 auch2532 auferwecken durch1223 seine Kraft1411.

14 And as God has raised our LORD, so he will raise us also by his own power.

15 Wisset ihr nicht3756, daß3754 eure5216 Leiber4983 Christi5547 Glieder3196 sind1096? Sollte142 ich nun3767 die Glieder3196 Christi5547 nehmen142 und Hurenglieder daraus machen4160? Das1492 sei2076 ferne!

15 Do you not know that your bodies are the members of Christ? How then can one take a member of Christ and make it the member of a harlot? Far be it.

16 Oder2228 wisset1492 ihr nicht3756, daß3754, wer an der1520 Hure4204 hanget2853, der ist2076 ein3391 Leib4983 mit ihr? Denn1063 sie werden (spricht5346 er) zwei1417 in einem Fleische4561 sein2071.

16 Or do you not know that he who joins his body to a harlot is one body with her? For it is said, The two shall become one body.

17 Wer aber1161 dem HErrn2962 anhanget, der1520 ist2076 ein Geist4151 mit ihm.

17 But he who unites himself with our LORD becomes one with him in spirit.

18 Fliehet5343 die Hurerei4202! Alle3956 Sünden265, die der Mensch444 tut4160, sind2076 außer1622 seinem2398 Leibe4983; wer1437 aber1161 huret, der sündiget264 an1519 seinem eigenen Leibe4983.

18 Keep away from fornication. Every sin that a man commits, is outside his body; but he who commits adultery sins against his own body.

19 Oder2228 wisset1492 ihr2075 nicht3756, daß3754 euer Leib4983 ein Tempel3485 des Heiligen40 Geistes4151 ist2076, der3739 in1722 euch5216 ist2192, welchen ihr habt5213 von575 GOtt2316, und2532 seid nicht3756 euer selbst1438?

19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit that dwells within you, which you have of God, and you are not your own?

20 Denn1063 ihr seid59 teuer5092 erkauft. Darum1211 so preiset GOtt2316 an1722 eurem5216 Leibe4983 und2532 in1722 eurem5216 Geiste4151, welche3748 sind2076 Gottes2316.

20 For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, because they belong to God.